**Please excuse me for a moment while I get on my soap box, thank you.
Stepping on: It really bothers me when I hear "educational" media talk about how missionaries destroy the culture of tribal people. We are actually helping to preserve their culture as we are creating a written form of their language and literary materials in that language which can be kept forever. And, if your culture included cannibalism, rape, murder, and child molestation, wouldn't you want those things changed too. I also hope that viewers recognize why this media wants these cultures to be "preserved" (***hint hint, they are making money off of them, hint hint**)
Stepping down now.
Sorry about that, people. Anyway, so we are now in the middle of this process where we basically just try to make friends with people and hope they will be interested in helping us. Even though this method is more difficult initially, it is actually way more fun...because you get some friends out if it. Our ministry is all about building relationships, so spending lots of time with someone getting them to tell you about their life, family, background, thoughts and feelings does just that. In the end, you not only gain proficiency in a new language, you also gain a friend...or two...or three. And when you move to a strange place, with a strange language and culture, nothing starts to make you feel more comfortable than a friend.
So even though it is frustrating at times, it can be really fun.

There are also words that are hard to say. You see occasionally words pop up in other languages that sound like gross or offensive words in English. One time in Spanish class in college my our entire class laughed like twelve year olds when the professor wrote "ganarĂa" on the board. It is the conditional tense for the verb "ganar" which means to win, and does not at all have to do with any questionably acquired disease. In Chinese the word for "this" was a derogatory term that will not be used in this blog. And here in PNG they use another term that in the US has been used as a derogatory term in the past. Here if I want to say I have three daughters I have to say:
"Mi gat tripela pikinini meri."
Yeah, it is still awkward for me to use that. But it is simply the word for "child" here. It comes from the Portuguese word pequeninho which means "little one". It is not offensive here. It is just the word. But I would not advise any of you to use it at home and claim you are simply speaking Melanesian Pidgin. You can, however, use the word "bagarap" for "bad", "messed up", or "spoiled". Kinda like, "buggered up"! Ha ha! That one is funny! Unless that is an offensive term in the UK? Anyone know British curse words??? Oh well, maybe just speak English. Then you will know you are safe.
I love reading your blogs. Mom