Friday, March 1, 2013

Down Under

We are in Australia! Our plans for a three week break in Goroka then a two week break in Wewak for Conference, very quickly changed to two weeks in Goroka, two in Australia and one in Wewak.

We all had some medical appointments with our New Tribes doctor in Goroka, and after my appointment he told me I would have to go to Australia to have some further tests on a lump in my breast.

I seriously considered not writing about this, because it just seemed weird to talk about my boob on the internet, but I have talked about everything else awkward and embarrassing so why not, right?

Also, it is just the nature of the missionary life to have to tell embarrassing details of your life just so people won't think you are carelessly spending money. I saw a post on twitter about a missionary who removed the signature thingy from his ipad, so supporters wouldn't know he had one. This is kinda like that. I feel like I have to tell the world about what is going on under my brassiere so no one will think we are just partying it up in Australia for no reason. I mean I am gonna party it up here, but I was forced to by a doctor, so it is ok.

This is the biggest party I plan on attending...

Anyway, we've already had lots of fun looking at just a few of the sights of civilization. Yesterday, we hadn't seen a traffic light in almost two years, and my kids asked me, "What is that?" at the first one we came too.

Also, watching my four year old get on the "moving stairs" as she called them was quite hilarious. It looked a little something like this...

Anyway, so we are here in Australia recklessly spending your money simply following a doctor's orders. We are not really too concerned as the doctor said it really doesn't look like cancer, but we just need to be smart about getting it checked out.  But, in between appointments I am going to visit Target and eat food that I did not cook (or dig out of the ground and then cook). Thank you for understanding.

1 comment:

  1. We Love Y'all and Pray for You! Y'all party all you can! I think God will be please for y'all to rest and enjoy! The Dobbs
