When you decide to move your family around the world, you start to worry about how your kids are going to adjust. You start talking to them about leaving their homes, friends, and family, and try to prepare them as best you can for their new lives. You read them books and show them pictures on the internet, and you read all you can about third culture kids.
And when you move you watch for all the signs of culture shock and do your best to help them become comfortable in their new surroundings. You try to teach them things that will help them feel like they will fit in where they are, and then one day, you realize that they are observing things for themselves. And they are imitating life here just as they did back home. And you smile because you realize you can relax a little. And then you laugh because it is funny.
This is an image they see all the time...
And this is what I found yesterday while cleaning up the toys...
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