I have done a lot of complaining on this blog, and if you know me at all, you know that well, I am a complainer. It is who I am. I mostly do it because I think it is funny, and 90% of the time I am not serious. I honestly have my dream job. Some days I look around wonder why God gave me everything I ever wanted in life? It just doesn't make sense. Then He reminds me that He gave me everything He ever wanted for my life and I just allowed my desires to be conformed to His. If He actually gave me what I wanted I would be a rodeo queen with a belt buckle the size of my face, and married to George Strait. Very thankful that I let that dream go. But anyway, this time I am complaining a little bit, and I am serious about the fact that this is the part of my job that I hate.
You see as a missionary we have to "raise support" or "develop partners" which simply means we have to ask people to give us money, so that we can live and eat and work and pay insurance and taxes and print the Bibles that we translate, and help fly out tribal people when they are deathly ill, etc. etc. etc. (it is not to buy us ipads and stuff, we don't even own an ipad or a smart phone. our phone is average intelligence, i promise)
Have you ever had to ask someone for money? Have you ever had to ask everyone that you know for money? Yeah. It is awkward. And you start to get all paranoid that people aren't picking up their phones when you call, and maybe they just "didn't get that facebook message I sent them" and "maybe they did call me back, you know my voice mail is spotty".
There are definitely some benefits to this, though. I mean we have learned to depend on God in a whole new way, and since yours truly hates the asking part I have assigned myself to the praying part and let me tell you I have prayed and prayed and prayed over some support. I have called people out by name. Just to be totally transparent because that is what I try to be on this blog, (I mean appropriately transparent, not Kardashian transparent) we recently made a list of a bunch of people that we thought might support this work and didn't say a word to them, just prayed about it and several of those people started supporting us. So if you recently started supporting this work, well then MUAHAHAHAHA... we got you! Just kidding. (please also note that we are praying for you for other things too- not just so you will give us money, thankyou)
Anyway, I say all that to say this. We are getting close to moving into a tribe. And well we need some sort of structure to move into. To build that structure we need some dollars, bucks, moola...you know.We already have some incredible supporters who sacrificed their hard earned...well earnings... so we can be here and the people of PNG can hear the Gospel. Because of those who will be forever known as awesome to our family, we have saved over HALF (62% exactly) of what we need to build our bush house. We really wanted to just save all of it and not have to ask for anymore money because we feel like for the last 2 years of our lives that is all we have done. But we realized that the sooner we have the funds, the sooner we can go, and the sooner the people can hear.
So here I am asking for...GULP...money. There I said it. It is out there. Do you feel the awkwardness yet. It is pretty thick on this end of the computer let me tell you. I just thought I would put this out there because I know there are a lot of people who cannot make a monthly commitment to support us. And we totally understand that. But you may be able to make a one time donation and this is the perfect opportunity to do that! So if you want to, you can click on this site, www.pushforpng.com, and get some info on how you can help us build our tribal house.
And if not. We can still be friends. I promise. Please don't avoid my calls, or texts or emails, or facebook messages. Mkay?