I am addicted to Coke. Coca- Cola that is. The kind you drink- not the kind that a certain Orange Heiress thought was gum in her purse next to her chihuahua. Anyway, I have a serious problem. At home I drank caffeine free diet coke because I was nursing and didn't want my baby all jacked up on second hand sugar and stimulants. Here, there is no such thing. There is regular coke and diet coke, but they both taste a little different than they do in the US. I have gotten used to the regular coke, but the diet coke I just have to choke down in order to keep my rear end from growing down my legs. None of that really matters, though, because Coke here costs one US dollar a can. You heard me. It is freakin expensive and it breaks my heart. My wonderfully frugal husband can easily deny himself the joys of the Coke experience, but it is quite a challenge for me. In fact, I would probably not be able to resist at all except for the fact that I get "the look" from the previously mentioned wonderful husband. I am not being sarcastic about the "wonderful" part. I mean, it is wonderful for him to be concerned with feeding our children, and saving money so we can actually minister to the people we came here for. Anyway, I say all that to say this.
The Coke Nazi...I mean my wonderful husband has been gone since Friday. I know what all you wives are thinking..."I bet she hasn't shaved her legs in three days"...and you are correct, but I have also been downing about 2 cokes a day. It has been so nice to enjoy the refreshing and satisfying fizz of carbonated heaven without that "look". But don't worry, honey!! I am making up for the added expense by only eating popcorn and olives (and the occasional candy bar) and only feeding the kids Ramen noodles and the free bananas from the trees outside (which they love)! I haven't bought any meat (which is really expensive here) in 3 days, so I am actually SAVING you money! Now, if I could just get you to jump on board with this new diet of coke and popcorn we could really be getting somewhere! I am sensing "the look" as I type that, so I might as well give up now.
Although, I have enjoyed my happiness in a can, it doesn't really compete with happiness in my man..(ha ha, see what I did, there??) so we are all very ready for him to come home. The kids have decided to start waking up at the butt crack of dawn to check and see if Daddy some how miraculously appeared in the night. He is helping some other missionaries do some manual labor out in the bush and I know he is working his rear end off, but he has had a nice long break from wiping someone else's rear end off, and I am very tired of being the sole hiney wiper around here. I'm tired, very very tired. So, please come home, Daddy...
We need someone to clean the fish...

And scrape the coconuts...

And show us all the weird and scary things you pull out of the ocean...

And help wipe hineys... (I will spare you the picture of that one)
Come home to us!!! Puh- leeeeeze!
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